Pet First Aid Course
This course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in first aid for pets. It is ideal for Pet owners or Pet professionals. It covers the main first aid subjects for Dogs and Cats but this information is also suitable for most other animals. Understanding basic first aid for your pet will give you the skills to assist them and prevent them from getting worse before professional help is given by your vet. The certificate is valid for 3 years.
With the online course we add extra videos which you will be able to see for 8 months to keep you up to date with your skills. With online a classroom courses you will receive free weekly refresher video emails to keep your skills fresh and to up date you on the later news. All students will receive a free login area to our website where you can download a free student manual and control other settings. Online students can print off their certificate online on completion and classroom students will receive an official ProTrainings wall certificate and wallet card in the post after the course.